Monday, January 12, 2009

Stranded in London...

International airports smell different than US airports. Not bad but just different. Taking in that smell often brings on exciting thoughts of new adventures and meeting new people.

In my head, the idea of meeting new people never plays out the way it does when it actually happens. In my head...the British are happy people and will of course be delighted to help me. But when I asked - "Is this gate closed? Did I miss my flight?" My first thought was why won't you look at me when answering. Just because you have good hair and are wearing Prada on your feet doesn't make you superior or does it? And excuse me British Airlines service representative I already told you I wanted to rebook my flight please spare me the lecture on how there is no excuse for me missing my flight and demanding an explanation. You people are supposed to be proper and polite....right? Say chip chip cheerio....that is how I pictured it - SAY IT!

However as there is a silver lining in every story, all this time gives me the opportunity to share the things I discovered at Heathrow Airport.

1. Just because the flight board says a flight is leaving at 7:55 doesn't mean that it will. In fact even if the gate opens at 7:30 it doesn't mean the plane will actually be there when you get there. It just leaves when it feels like it...even 11 minutes early.

2. The Brits know a thing or two about how escalators should run. Here they move flat for about four rises to give you an opportunity to get your balance and adjust your luggage.

3. The toilet paper is broken out for you in perfect little pieces.

4. Hand dryers are strangely and unexpectedly powerful here.

A special note to the Digital Development Team...IDEXX-PACS 3.0.48 is in London!


  1. I love it! I can't wait for the next installment!

  2. Ditto. On the Loose in Europe will be on my MUST READ list.

  3. Fotine, will miss you in Maine but willing to make the sacrifice to read of your adventures on the continent. Europe won't know what hit it! Try not to start any international incidents - the new administration has enough on its hands at the moment ;)

  4. I love travel stories. 1969 en route to Thailand. we leave Boston and it's -108 and my mom is in a wool suit, crocodile high heels, mink jacket, matching hat and of course gloves. Land in Thailand. She steps off the plane into 148 degrees and 97% humidity - down she went. we are whisked away to a restaurant for our first meal which is shark soup and exposed to the "bathroom" which is a hole in the floor and outlines showing you where to put your feet. Welcome to The Far East. then there's the time she was chased through a parking lot by a cobra in India.
