Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Have the men in Maine moved to Germany?

I have an unspoken set of rules that I live by and these rules help me navigate day to day. Some people break these rules and end up on the “list”.

The men from Maine tend to be on this “unwritten list” and using the below guidelines you will be able easily identify them.

1. These are the men you will meet and after some conversation will say to you “stay right here, I will be right back. I just have to get myself a drink”. But NEVER offer to get you a drink. Oh and did I forget to mention that they expect that you will be there when they return.

2. These are the men who will open a door and walk through it as it shuts in your face and not look back.

3. These are then men who pretend they can’t figure out the tip on a bill just so to show you how much the meal costs.

4. These are the men that keep track of how many meals they have paid for and tell you when it’s your turn.

5. And finally, these are the men that on the third date explain to you that the national average is three dates before a couple “sleeps” together and can’t understand why you don’t agree.

My theory was that these men only lived in Maine. But as I stood at Stuttgart Airport baggage claim one of these men pushed me out of the way so he could wait for his bags. I repeat wait for his bags. Not pull them off the conveyer but wait for them. I stand corrected….these men are worldwide!

After visiting Germany here are my thoughts.

1. Why do you charge .50 Euros to use the restroom when there is not even a basket with toiletries to use?

2. The Germans know a thing or two about keeping toilets clean. Actual toilet seat washers in public restrooms (ahh…that explains the .50 euros). I pushed the button twice just to watch.

3. Is it really necessary to drive 220 km/hour on the highway? This will be described to all of you as my near death experience in Germany.

4. If I tell you I cannot speak German talking to me louder won’t all of sudden make me understand what you are saying! I guess Germans and Greeks have more in common than I thought.

5. Men in skinny jeans?! Not sure I agree that this is a good thing.

For those 2 wonderful people in Germany who helped me figure out where I was going and helped me get my suitcases off the train.THANK YOU. I will pay it forward!

IDEXX Digital Development Team – IDEXX-PACS 3.0.48 has been to Germany and visited Stuttgart, Tubingen, the mountains in Oberstordf, and Munich.

Gute Nacht


  1. Skinny jeans? On a man? Yes there are some fashions better left in Europe...well if the men in Maine have moved to Europe then at least it will make settling in easier - it will be like you never left!

  2. I don't even know what skinny jeans are.


  3. Fotine, this reminds me it's your turn to buy dinner next time.

  4. Did #5 on "the list" really occur? The nerve of some men! can't believe someone said that out loud...

  5. Just a general observation - you seem to be flirting with several topics that I would have thought are in the Things We Simply Do Not Discuss With Co-workers handbook. But you're very funny.

  6. Yes, someone actually said that out loud.
