Sunday, May 24, 2009


Paris smells like cigarette smoke and expensive perfume and I couldn’t have loved it more!

I walked for hours through the streets of Paris amazed with the buildings and the history they displayed. I found myself caught up in the romance of the wrought iron balconies decorated with groomed trees and blooming flowers.

I began to daydream about how the average person lived in these amazing buildings – in the 1960’s which of course made my daydreams black and white. I had visions of someone named Sabrina dusting her carpets and yelling to her neighbor about their later rendezvous for espresso and something sweet. In the air rose a wonderful aroma from the corner bakery to entice the senses of its pass goers filling them with visions of freshly baked bread and chocolate croissants.

Yes, I do have a vivid imagination and Paris is everything they say it is and more!

The Men
The experience in Paris with the men was quite different from the one of being pushed at baggage claim in Germany. I often found myself distracted by the how wonderful they smelled and I seemed to be at a loss for words as they invited themselves into my personal space which I couldn’t resist. They made me feel completely at ease as they stared into my soul. I think that they could hear my thoughts.

The Food
The food was amazing and never ending. Dinner literally lasted for hours as I leisurely consumed appetizers, main courses, desserts, bread, cheese, and wine. There is a chocolate version of everything and eating dessert is completely acceptable after every meal. It made me want to go native and never come home. In fact, I am going to attempt to learn French as I often found myself wanting to carry on conversations and let them know that I loved France! Not that they wanted to hear it. I am not sure they have patience for Americans because as I tried to communicate to them in French they only seemed annoyed (broken with a strong American accent-not a good thing).

As I stood waiting for the elevator on my way to the airport, I began to run through the rolodex of my experiences in Paris. This nice woman snapped me back to reality when she began to speak to me in French. I replied, “Sorry, I only speak English”. “Really, but you are European, no?” Well yes, but I was born in the states.” “I knew you had to be European,” she replied.

And just like that, Paris became my second favorite place in the world.

If you ever find yourself in Paris, go to the Eiffel Tower! You are saying to yourself of course I would go, but there are so many people who skip it because of the hours you have to wait in line. Wait and go to the top - the view is unprecedented!

A special note to my two new South African friends. Thank you for always making sure that I was moving forward in line and for a great dinner!

Till nous rencontrer à nouveau....